Saturday, August 28, 2010

Peachy Clean

Bear and Peach Girl

Oh Please! Oh Please!

Why is it that babies need convincing, coercing, manipulating and/or hog tying to get their diaper changed? I mean, how could they NOT want a clean diaper? Yet whenever it's that time they fuss, whine and suddenly they become Houdini who can get out of any grasp. Sigh. Wrestling a dirty walrus: tugging, pulling, screaming and teeth. If the little beloved Worm would just sit still for a minute then it would only take a minute.

Finally by some miracle you get both cheeks clean and transferred to the new and clean-for-now receptacle. Once secured in place the little drama student happily rolls over and goes about her business (of dirtying the house and another diaper). Meanwhile, you're sweating, tired and now feel awful cranky; but hopefully, at least, all this passes with minimal damage (you're lucky if you don't also need changing also, I mean your clothes of course).

Peachy Keen

Just bought a huge box of peaches..and I mean they are huge. I guess they were to big to sell in the store. Such a shame. And now, what do I do with them? I am going to try some recipes online. I'll let you know.

Things are just swimmingly...

It was kind of a bummer of a day. You know the kind, you have a million plans for a million things but then it's noon and you're still in your pj's, the house is a mess and you now don't feel like doing ANYTHING...but that feels depressing to. Sigh. What to do? Corey had a great idea that we could go swimming. Yeah! Now there is a difference between swimming and Swimming. I had dreams of doing both. Playing with Azure in the shallow end (swimming) and putting on my cap and goggles and doing laps (Swimming). I get my swim suit on (no easy task since it is a Speedo one peice. Those things are so tight) and get the beeb's swimsuit on (an even harder task, her's is tight and she's really squirmy!) and pack the diaper bag and get in the car. Finally we are at the pool and even a bit of luck, on the way in I found a dollar! One third of my swimming fee. I was feeling pretty good. But it wasn't to last.

"You're here for the swimming pool?"

Does he think I wear this get up if I were doing anything else? "Ummm, yeas."

"Well, sorry but the pool has been closed. We had an accident this morning but it will re-open Monday."

Well, that's kind of rude of someone to have an accident when I wanted to swim. I do hope they were alright though.

So, Since I couldn't swim I decided to start a new blog. And I'm a dollar richer.